Herramienta CABYS

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  1. Parse data from .xlsx file via a Python script and insert parsed and processed data to Supabase with supabase-py package.
  2. Web app made with Nuxt 3 for users to query CABYS information by using a CABYS code, CABYS description, or by parsing XML file corresponding to a Costa Rican e-receipt.
  3. Queries to Supabase are done via Nuxt's Nitro server and the "@nuxtjs/supabase" module.
  4. UI components provided by NuxtUI
  5. OpenGraph ( Check out the OG images 😎 ) and SEO tags
  6. Mobile-friendly
diagram screenshot


  • CABYS:
    Shorthand for "Catálogo de Bienes y Servicios". Document with relations of code to product category information and also code to tax rate map.
